Research Projects
Ongoing Projects
Virginia Land and Energy Navigator (VaLEN)
The Virginia Land and Energy Navigator (VaLEN) brings together GIS information related to prime farm and forestland, land conservation, brownfields, transmission lines, and other topics to support land use planning and decision-making at the local level.
Commonwealth Connection (Virginia Broadband Availability Map)
In 2021, the Virginia General Assembly passed a budget that included the creation of a broadband availiability map and a collection process that was more granular than the current FCC 477 maps and collection process. Many elements from the Virginia Broadband Planning and Analysis Toolbox were migrated to the new Commonwealth Collection website. CGIT partners with Internet Service Providers all throughout the commonwealth to keep Commonwealth Connection updated annually.
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Crash Geolocation
CGIT is creating a spatial database of geolocated crashes for the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and highway safety professionals to improve safety through education and enforcement.
Department of Veterans Services Data Management System
Virginia Tech’s Center for Geospatial Information Technology has been working to improve informational databases across service lines of the Virginia Department of Veterans Services. The work of the center will help 15,000 veterans access educational, employment, and support resources across Virginia.
Virginia State Police Crash Analysis
The data from the Virginia DMV Crash Geolocating project allowed an opportunity to develop a crash forecasting tool for the Virginia State Police (VSP). This tool will allow supervisors and troopers to examine realtime speed data along with historical crash data throughout Virginia and reallocate resources to better serve and protect motorists in Virginia.
Geovine 2.0
CGIT's Geovine software is currently being rebuilt from the ground up! Ohio provided funding for CGIT to take the current vineyard site suitabilty tool and rebuild it with more functionality, usability, and more dynamic reporting for vineyards in Ohio.
4H Virtual Forest
CGIT will be updating the 4H Virtual Forest application to include a recreating an interactive educational game with modern technology, art, sounds, and with information from the latest version of Virginia's Standards of Learning (SOLs).
Virginia Tech Hazard Mitigation Plan 2022 Update
CGIT and VTEM partnering again and innovating to conduct and updated planning processes resulting in the Hazmit Plan and additional products.
Bike Sensor
CGIT is developing a bike-mounted Raspberry Pi unit and web viewer to store and analyze data from various sensors to measure air quality along bike routes in and around Blacksburg.
See our previous projects.
See our Previous Projects