Disaster-resistant University

CGIT worked with Dewberry and Davis, LLC, to create multi-hazard mitigation plans for Virginia Tech, Radford University, and Virginia State University under the federal Disaster-Resistant University initiative passed in 2000. As a sub-contractor, CGIT created a hazard plan analysis for all three participating universities. CGIT also completed the hazard identification and risk assessment portion for hazard mitigation on Virginia Tech’s campus.
These projects deal with the analysis of risk factors and other considerations, such as loss of property, in forming a comprehensive disaster mitigation plan for the university. By taking a number of factors into account, researchers can determine which buildings or spaces on campus pose greater risk for different types of disasters, including fire, flood and terrorism. In addition, these projects add a value component that weighs a newer building filled with costly technology as a greater risk for loss than a building with fewer assets, all other risks being equal.