Gopher-Tortoise Relocations Database and GIS Application

CGIT worked with Kimley-Horn and Associates to develop a GIS application that would quickly identify locations of previously approved habitats for gopher tortoises in Florida. The state of Florida officially lists the tortoise as a Species of Special Concern.
Kimley-Horn, a consultant to Wal-Mart, wanted to be able to quickly identify approved habitat locations so that the retailer could relocate gopher tortoises disturbed by construction projects. CGIT constructed the application so that a user can enter the longitude and latitude for a development project and it will locate all gopher tortoise preserves within an area 50 miles north and south of the project and extending across the entire state of Florida. Those preserves selected will then be queried to reveal the number of available slots for incoming tortoises as well as contact and location information. The application includes data on state boundary lines, major highways, county boundaries, natural waterways and major cities.